God’s Act and Our Place In It

Last post I made was on the creator-creature distinction. One issue that wasn’t covered well there was God’s act, and our relationship to it. In it? Well, this supplements that gap with as much brevity as I can get the AI to pop out 😂 Enjoy!

God’s singular act is eternal and transcends time, yet its effects are experienced temporally by creatures. Creatures participate in this divine act not in a spatial or temporal manner, but relationally, through their existence and response to the divine presence and action within the created order.

This participation is not a matter of being “in” the act in a spatial or temporal sense. Rather, it involves reflecting, responding to, and being sustained by the continuous and eternal outpouring of God’s creative and sustaining power. This participation signifies a relational dynamic, where creation mirrors the divine attributes and purposes within the constraints of its finite, temporal existence.

The concept of ‘relational dynamic’ underscores that this participation is not about spatial or temporal positioning, but about relationship and response to the divine presence, which transcends but interacts with time and space.

Moreover, this relational participation includes reflecting God’s attributes, responding to the divine will, and being sustained by God’s continuous outpouring within the temporal realm. It is about being relationally aligned with the divine purpose.

In this context, human beings present, represent, and participate in a transcendental analogy within the grace, power, and act of God. This perspective on the human-divine relationship emphasizes a mode of engagement and participation that extends beyond mere physical or temporal interaction, encompassing a deeper, spiritual, and relational connection with the divine.

In summary, the divine economy’s ultimate goal is not merely a static state of unity with the Trinity, but a dynamic, relational participation in the divine act, reflecting the divine attributes, responding to the divine will, and being sustained by the divine outpouring. This participation is not spatial or temporal but relational, mirroring the divine attributes and purposes within the constraints of finite existence. This relational dynamic underscores the profound interconnectedness of all existence, harmonizing with the Trinitarian understanding, and inviting us into a deeper, spiritual, and relational connection with the divine.

Colossians 3:3 comes to mind here. ✌🏽