The Arguments and Ideas I used to Train a Chat Bot to Harmonize Simplicity with Trinity (and more) The first task in developing the world’s…
Had fun being artful with the trinity and divine simplicity last night so I thought I’d take that bit of that creativity and use it…
Jazzing Around the Trinity and Divine Simplicity: A Creative Reflection in Catholic Trinitarian Theology I wrote a piece similar to the below in my last…
A Study of Ousia and Hypostases in My Trinitarian Theology Introduction: The Proposition In exploring the divine mysteries of the Trinity, a pivotal concept in…
The Relational Ontology of Divine Existential Unity (DEU): A Theological-Philosophical Exploration Abstract: This exploration delves deep into the concept of relation within the Divine Existential…
Below is the world’s first classical theist AI bot from a Catholic perspective. By “classical” I don’t mean a thomist bot, but one who emphasizes…
I’ve written in depth on this issue before. But today I just want to muse briefly about this issue. Especially since I just invented the…
Talk to this article here: Abstract: This paper presents a compelling argument for the superiority of the Full Interval Trinity Theory’s (FITT) model over PanChristicism…
John 17:20–23 (NRSV): 20 “I ask not only on behalf of these, but also on behalf of those who will believe in me through their…
The Full Interval Trinity Theory can be expressed as an epistemology via a simple little principle called the Reciprocal Reference Principle. If you have ChatGPT…