Is it Biblical?

Deepening Your Biblical Study

Frequently, individuals inquire whether specific doctrines or beliefs are rooted in Scripture, often requesting particular chapters and verses to substantiate their claims. However, this reductionist approach can overlook the nuanced and multifaceted nature of biblical hermeneutics, leading to superficial interpretations. From a deeply informed Christian perspective, understanding the Bible requires a comprehensive and methodical approach that goes beyond simply citing passages.

Below, I outline several strategies designed to deepen your Bible study, enabling you to address the question, “Is this biblical?” with greater depth and insight. These approaches emphasize the importance of context, historical background, theological frameworks, and the integration of tradition in interpreting Scripture accurately.

To illustrate the effectiveness of one of these methods, I provide a detailed example examining the question, “Is praying to Mary and the Rosary biblical?”* This demonstration showcases how to apply the outlined techniques to arrive at a well-rounded and theologically sound conclusion. While no single approach is flawless—since it is not the method alone that encompasses the entire context of faith, but one’s active participation in Christ—it is hoped that this will help you find the answers you’re seeking through this process.

Overall, I hope these resources enhance your study of the Bible and support your journey toward a more profound and informed faith. May God bless your endeavors!

*(Please note, this question assumes some form of ignorance necessarily, as it doesn’t acknowledge other biblical doctrines like the Communion of Saints, the Theotokos doctrine, the logic of Christology, and so on. So, like any analysis or method, it can only get you so far. Grace to all!)

Practical Workflow for Catholic Biblical Interpretation

1. Preparation and Prayer

Begin with Prayer and Set Clear Intentions… If need be…Go more in depth with Previous or Continue

2. Select a Passage

Choose Scripture Contextual Selection… If need be…Go more in depth with Previous or Continue

3. Read the Passage Thoroughly

Multiple ReadingsOriginal Language (Optional)… If need be…Go more in depth with Previous or Continue

4. Textual Analysis

Identify Key Terms and PhrasesDetermine Literary Genre… If need be…Go more in depth with Previous or Continue

5. Historical and Cultural Context

Research Historical BackgroundUnderstand Cultural Practices… If need be…Go more in depth with Previous or Continue

6. Theological Reflection

Connect with DoctrinesConsult the Doctors of the Church… If need be…Go more in depth with Previous or Continue

7. Integration with Tradition

Catechism Correlation Magisterial Alignment… Go more in depth with Previous or Continue

8. Doctrinal Verification

Define the Doctrine Scriptural Basis Historical Development Patristic and Doctoral Support Magisterial Endorsement Systematic Theology Integration

Doctrinal Verification Checklist

Verification AspectDescriptionStatus
Scriptural SupportIdentify relevant Bible passages that support the doctrine.
Catechism CorrelationAlign with related sections in the Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC).
Magisterial DocumentsReference official Church documents that endorse the doctrine.
Patristic and Doctoral WritingsConsult writings from Church Fathers and Doctors that support the doctrine.
Historical ConsistencyEnsure the doctrine has been consistently upheld throughout Church history.
Logical CoherenceVerify that the doctrine logically fits within the (a) broader theological framework or context.
Contemporary RelevanceAssess how the doctrine applies to modern contexts and issues.

… Go more in depth with Previous or Continue

9. Application to Life

Personal ReflectionTeaching and SharingMoral and Ethical Insights… If need be…Go more in depth with Previous or Continue

10. Documentation and Sharing

Take Comprehensive NotesShare Insights… Go more in depth with Previous or Continue

11. Review and Prayerful Integration

Summarize Learnings … Concluding Prayer… Go more in depth with Previous or Continue

Your Doctrinal Verification Summary



Here’s an Example of the above: Is praying to Mary and the Rosary Biblical?

Rosarium Virginis Mariae

Practical Workflow for Catholic Biblical Interpretation

1. Preparation and Prayer

2. Select a Passage

3. Read the Passage Thoroughly

4. Textual Analysis

5. Historical and Cultural Context

6. Theological Reflection

7. Integration with Tradition

8. Doctrinal Verification

Doctrinal Verification Checklist

Verification Aspect Description Status
Scriptural Support Identify relevant Bible passages that support the doctrine. ✔️
Catechism Correlation Align with related sections in the Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC). ✔️
Magisterial Documents Reference official Church documents that endorse the doctrine. ✔️
Patristic and Doctoral Writings Consult writings from Church Fathers and Doctors that support the doctrine. ✔️
Historical Consistency Ensure the doctrine has been consistently upheld throughout Church history. ✔️
Logical Coherence Verify that the doctrine logically fits within the broader theological framework. ✔️
Contemporary Relevance Assess how the doctrine applies to modern contexts and issues. ✔️

9. Application to Life

10. Documentation and Sharing

11. Review and Prayerful Integration

12. Tips for Consistent Application

  1. Establish a Routine: Dedicate specific times for Bible study to build a habit.
  2. Stay Organized: Use a planner or digital calendar to schedule study sessions and track progress.
  3. Engage with Community: Participate in Bible study groups or church classes to enhance understanding through dialogue.
  4. Seek Guidance: When encountering difficult passages, consult a priest, theologian, or trusted mentor.
  5. Reflect Regularly: Periodically review your notes and reflections to reinforce learning and spiritual growth.
  6. Balance Depth and Breadth: While in-depth study is valuable, ensure you cover a broad range of Scriptures to maintain a well-rounded faith understanding.

13. Tools and Resources for Effective Application

A. Reference Materials

  • Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC): For doctrinal insights and connections.
  • Denzinger’s Enchiridion: To reference official Church definitions and statements.
  • Catholic Bible Commentaries: Such as those by the Ignatius Press, Navarre, or Baker Academic.
  • Writings of the Doctors of the Church: Access to works by St. Augustine, St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Teresa of Ávila, etc.

B. Study Aids

  • Bible Dictionary and Concordance: For understanding terms and cross-references.
  • Digital Tools: Apps like Logos Bible Software, Bible Gateway, or MySword with Catholic resources.
  • Study Groups: Engage with a community for collective learning and diverse perspectives.

C. Organizational Tools

  • Journal or Notebook: For recording insights, reflections, and questions.
  • Checklists: Utilize the Doctrinal Verification Checklist to ensure comprehensive study.
  • Templates: Create or use existing templates to structure your study sessions consistently.

D. Multimedia Resources

  • Catholic Theological Podcasts: Such as “The Thomistic Institute Podcast.”
  • Lectures: Available from sources like CatholicTV or Word on Fire.
  • Videos and Webinars: From reputable Catholic theologians and educators.

14. Sample Workflow Implementation

Example Passage: John 19:26-27

  1. Preparation and Prayer:

    Begin with the “Our Father” and a brief meditation on Jesus entrusting Mary to John.

  2. Select a Passage:

    Choose John 19:26-27 to examine Jesus’ entrustment of Mary to John.

  3. Read the Passage Thoroughly:

    Read John 19:26-27 three times, noting initial impressions.

  4. Textual Analysis:

    Highlight “Theotokos” and “beloved disciple.” Identify the passage as a gospel narrative.

  5. Historical and Cultural Context:

    Research first-century Jewish views on family and spiritual intercession.

  6. Theological Reflection:

    Connect with the doctrine of Mary as the Mother of God and her intercessory role. Read St. Augustine’s writings on Mary.

  7. Integration with Tradition:

    Reference CCC 966-971 on Mary as the Mother of God and her role in salvation history. Ensure alignment with Lumen Gentium.

  8. Doctrinal Verification
    • Define the Doctrine: Define the doctrine of praying to Mary and the Rosary.
    • Scriptural Basis: Identify John 19:26-27 and Luke 1:28-38 & 1:39-56 as supporting passages.
    • Historical Development: Trace the formalization of the Rosary in the Middle Ages.
    • Patristic and Doctoral Support: Reference St. Bernard of Clairvaux and St. John of the Cross.
    • Magisterial Endorsement: Confirm through Lumen Gentium and Rosarium Virginis Mariae.
    • Systematic Theology Integration: Ensure the Rosary aligns with the meditation on Christ’s mysteries and the Trinity.

    Doctrinal Verification Checklist

    Verification Aspect Description Status
    Scriptural Support Identify relevant Bible passages that support the doctrine. ✔️
    Catechism Correlation Align with related sections in the Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC). ✔️
    Magisterial Documents Reference official Church documents that endorse the doctrine. ✔️
    Patristic and Doctoral Writings Consult writings from Church Fathers and Doctors that support the doctrine. ✔️
    Historical Consistency Ensure the doctrine has been consistently upheld throughout Church history. ✔️
    Logical Coherence Verify that the doctrine logically fits within the broader theological framework. ✔️
    Contemporary Relevance Assess how the doctrine applies to modern contexts and issues. ✔️
  9. Application to Life:
    • Personal Reflection: Meditate on how praying to Mary and the Rosary enhances your relationship with Jesus.
    • Teaching and Sharing: Develop key points for a homily on Jesus entrusting Mary to John and the role of the Rosary.
    • Moral and Ethical Insights: Extract moral lessons on obedience and trust from Mary’s example.
  10. Documentation and Sharing:
    • Take Comprehensive Notes: Document insights and reflections in your journal.
    • Share Insights: Discuss findings with a study group or mentor.
  11. Review and Prayerful Integration:
    • Summarize Learnings: Recap the main insights from your study.
    • Concluding Prayer: End with a prayer to integrate your learnings.


By following this Practical Workflow for Catholic Biblical Interpretation, individuals can systematically verify doctrinal beliefs like praying to Mary and the Rosary. This ensures interpretations are biblically supported, doctrinally sound, and aligned with the rich traditions and teachings of the Catholic Church.

The Fourfold Sense of Scripture in Medieval Catholic Theology

The traditional method of understanding the Bible within medieval Catholic theology is based on the Fourfold Sense of Scripture. This interpretative framework was developed to provide a comprehensive and multilayered approach to biblical texts, ensuring that Scripture could be understood in ways that address different aspects of faith, morality, and eschatology.

1. Literal Sense

Definition: The Literal Sense refers to the straightforward, grammatical, and historical meaning of the text—the meaning intended by the human authors.

Key Aspects:

  • Historical Context: Understanding the circumstances, culture, and events surrounding the writing.
  • Grammatical Analysis: Examining the language, syntax, and structure of the passage.
  • Authorial Intent: Seeking to grasp what the author meant to convey to the original audience.

Example: In the Creation Narrative (Genesis 1), the literal sense describes the six days of creation, detailing how God created the world and everything in it.

2. Allegorical Sense

Definition: The Allegorical Sense uncovers hidden meanings within the text, revealing how certain events, persons, or institutions prefigure Christ and the Church.

Key Aspects:

  • Typology: Identifying “types” or symbols in the Old Testament that foreshadow New Testament realities.
  • Christocentric Focus: Understanding Scripture as ultimately pointing to Jesus Christ.

Example: The Binding of Isaac (Genesis 22) is seen allegorically as a prefiguration of Christ’s sacrifice on the cross, where God the Father offers His beloved Son.

3. Moral Sense

Definition: The Moral Sense draws ethical lessons and guidelines from the text, instructing individuals on how to live a virtuous and faithful life.

Key Aspects:

  • Virtue Formation: Learning about virtues such as faith, hope, charity, patience, and humility.
  • Moral Exemplars: Identifying characters in the Bible whose actions serve as models for moral behavior.

Example: The Parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37) teaches the importance of showing compassion and love to all, regardless of societal boundaries or prejudices.

4. Anagogical Sense

Definition: The Anagogical Sense pertains to the ultimate destiny of humanity and the soul, focusing on heavenly realities, the afterlife, and the fulfillment of God’s kingdom.

Key Aspects:

  • Eschatology: Understanding the end times, heaven, hell, and purgatory.
  • Spiritual Aspiration: Encouraging believers to strive for eternal communion with God.

Example: Revelation 21:1-4, which describes a new heaven and a new earth, symbolizes the final restoration and eternal life that awaits the faithful.

Historical Development and Theologians

St. Augustine of Hippo (354-430)

St. Augustine was instrumental in developing the fourfold method. He emphasized that Scripture has multiple layers of meaning, each serving different purposes in guiding the faithful.

St. Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274)

St. Thomas Aquinas further refined the four senses of Scripture in his seminal work, the Summa Theologica. He integrated Aristotelian philosophy with theological principles, providing a systematic approach to biblical interpretation.

Medieval Scholasticism

During the medieval period, Scholastic theologians like Aquinas adopted and expanded upon Augustine’s framework, using the fourfold sense to harmonize reason and faith. This method became a cornerstone of Catholic exegesis.

Application in Medieval Catholic Theology

The fourfold method was used to interpret not only narratives but also laws, prophecies, and teachings within the Bible. It allowed theologians to derive comprehensive theological doctrines and moral teachings from Scripture, ensuring that biblical interpretation remained aligned with Church Tradition and Magisterial authority.

Example: The Eucharist

  • Literal Sense: The words of Jesus during the Last Supper, where He takes bread and wine and declares them His Body and Blood.
  • Allegorical Sense: The Eucharist as a symbol of the covenant between God and humanity.
  • Moral Sense: The Eucharist as a call to live in communion with Christ and one another.
  • Anagogical Sense: The Eucharist as a foretaste of the heavenly banquet in eternal life.

Relevance Today

While modern biblical scholarship often employs historical-critical methods and various other interpretative approaches, the fourfold sense remains influential within Catholic theology. It provides a rich, multifaceted way to engage with Scripture, ensuring that its teachings are understood in their fullness—addressing historical context, typological significance, ethical implications, and ultimate spiritual aspirations.

Contemporary Applications:

  • Homiletics: Priests and pastors use the fourfold sense to prepare sermons that address multiple dimensions of faith.
  • Catechesis: Teaching the faithful involves exploring biblical texts through these four lenses to deepen understanding.
  • Personal Study: Believers engage with Scripture not just intellectually but also spiritually and ethically, fostering holistic spiritual growth.


The Fourfold Sense of Scripture is a timeless method that enriches the understanding of the Bible by allowing readers to explore its depths across multiple dimensions. Rooted in medieval Catholic theology and championed by great theologians like St. Augustine and St. Thomas Aquinas, this interpretative framework ensures that Scripture remains a living, dynamic guide for faith, morals, and eternal hope.

By embracing this traditional method, believers can engage with the Bible in a way that honors its complexity and divine inspiration, ensuring that its teachings continue to illuminate the path of faith in both personal and communal contexts.