Inventory check: how are you doing with truth?

Let’s reflect on truths and the nature of truth in general for a minute. Specifically, how do we go about relating to truths in all their diversity?

Truths are as diverse as people and languages. I doubt you can speak enough languages to talk to the majority of humans (past, present, and future) in any substantive way beyond your native language; so this begs the question, what makes you think you have a handle on navigating truths in all their ways?

Lots of talk about truth these days, but when’s the last time you’ve read a book on the subject? Do you know any method or methods to cultivate, produce, filter, and discern truths? If your only guide to truths is your natural capacities you’re heavily deficient to deal with truths because human beings are not anthropologically structured for relating to the truth sustainably from their own devices. Things fall apart.

How are you learning to navigate truths in general and specifically to areas of your interests so you don’t fall to the traps of your own deficiencies and the failings of the world which is-in a sense-totally depraved?

As Christians we have a mandate to participate in the divine nature given freely through the power of the cross. This means being able to navigate and cultivate truth is a calling each has in their own measure. How are you measuring this measure and cultivating it for the sake of the virtues, such as the good, beautiful, and just?

If God is ultimately the Truth, if you will, then what does a doctrine like the trinity do for Christians and their relationship to truths? The one and many find a boundless life of love for the Christian God. We should want to love like the triune God, even as we cope with truths we should learn to love all that truths demand.