How does SSGO treat God’s full givenness in each Person as an explanatory “primitive”?

Q: How does SSGO treat God’s full givenness in each Person as a “primitive” that explains both the unity of the divine essence and the real distinction among Father, Son, and Spirit?


In SSGO, the notion of a self-standing relational mode functions as the primitive or fundamental device that unifies God’s essence while preserving irreducible distinctions among the divine Persons. Rather than introducing additional parts or external connectors, SSGO treats each Person’s full possession of the one essence as an indivisible reality “lived” through a distinct mode (unbegotten, begotten, or proceeding). This means the unifying device is simply the fact that each Person wholly is God, yet from a relational vantage unlike that of the other Persons. A vantage is the particular relational perspective in which each Person actualizes the entire divine essence, such as the Father’s unbegotten stance or the Son’s begotten stance. Because vantage is not a separate entity or property, it does not fragment God’s simplicity, yet it accounts for the real differences among Father, Son, and Spirit. The result is unity without composition and distinction without fragmentation.