The Monarchy of the Father and Divine Simplicity
Question #51: How can the one, undivided divine essence be fully expressed in the Monarchy of the Father and his Person without implying any composition or fragmentation in God?
To answer this question I wrote an essay called, “Reformulating the Monarchy of the Father through Personalistic-like Theology: A defense of the relationality principle and Givenness Theology“
Below is said essay. Patience, however, it all comes together eventually, I promise.
In our encounter with the divine mystery, two inseparable themes emerge: the absolute oneness of God and the wondrous self-disclosure of that one essence within the eternal communion of three Persons. In what I now call the Principle of Relationality, God’s immutable simplicity is not a cold, static monad but a living, unbounded communion—a dynamic self‑donative reality in which relationality itself is the means by which divine simplicity is fully actualized.
This approach does not dissect God into isolated attributes; rather, it affirms that each divine Person fully embodies the one, indivisible essence through a unique mode of relational self‑gift. Rooted in the legacy of classical theism and Aquinas’s enduring insights—and enriched by modern investigations into metaphysical primitives and phenomenology—this framework reveals that God’s fullness is expressed in an eternal act of self‑giving love. In doing so, it moves beyond traditional models like the “Monarchy of the Father” as a unilateral source, proposing instead that unity in God is achieved by the very nature of self-gift, where the Father’s unbegotten stance becomes the wellspring from which dynamic communion flows.
Divine Simplicity and Triune Expression
Divine simplicity proclaims that God’s essence is utterly indivisible—His being is not an assemblage of parts, nor is it susceptible to any potentiality that might render Him incomplete. Scripture declares, “The LORD is one,” affirming that God is actus purus—wholly actual and free from any dependency. Yet, while the biblical witness asserts oneness, it also reveals a triune reality: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are each fully God, without compromising the unity of the divine essence.
In the framework of the Principle of Relationality, the traditional descriptors—unbegotten, begotten, and spirated—are reinterpreted as self‑standing relational modes. Each Person is not a mere fragment but the complete divine essence expressed in a distinctive relational form. The Father’s unbegotten nature is not simply a temporal or causal starting point that diminishes the fullness found in the Son or the Spirit; rather, it is the foundational relational posture through which the entire tri‑personal self‑givenness flows. In this light, the “monarchy of the Father” is transformed from a static principle into the living source of a dynamic, unbroken communion.
A Legacy of Classical Theism and Aquinas
The heritage of classical theism, as articulated by early Church Fathers like Athanasius and Augustine, laid the groundwork for understanding God’s oneness as an expression of His utterly simple nature—where every attribute is not an added quality but is identical with His essence. This vision, which vehemently opposed any notion of composition in God, remains central to our understanding.
Aquinas, in his Summa Theologiae, provides a systematic exposition of divine simplicity by teaching that God is actus purus: His essence and existence are one and the same. For Aquinas, any hint of composition or division within God would undermine His perfection. Therefore, the Father’s unbegotten mode, the Son’s begottenness, and the Spirit’s procession must be understood not as separate or sequential phenomena but as the very means by which the one, indivisible essence is fully manifested. In this view, the classical formulation is not negated but rather deepened: divine simplicity is itself the wellspring of dynamic relationality. This synthesis affirms that God’s immutable nature is expressed through a continual, self‑donative act, preserving both oneness and relationality in a manner that is intellectually robust and spiritually inspiring.
Modern Insights into Metaphysical Primitives
Recent philosophical inquiries into hyperintensionality and the nature of metaphysical primitives have further refined our understanding. Thinkers such as Jiri Benovsky have shown that certain relational concepts function as irreducible primitives—basic explanatory units that resist further analysis. Such modern insights validate the classical intuition that being is essentially relational, while offering new vocabulary (“modes” and “vantages”) that precisely capture how the one divine essence is dynamically self‑given.
This modern refinement does not merely add technical jargon; it enriches the framework by showing that the structure of divine self-donation is deeply woven into the fabric of reality. The modern perspective, therefore, acts as a bridge between the ancient and the contemporary, ensuring that the classical insights of Aquinas and the Church Fathers remain vibrant and intelligible in today’s analytic discourse. In doing so, it confirms that divine fullness, while utterly simple, is dynamically and relationally actualized.
Embracing the Ineffable through “Nothing”
Our finite language is always challenged by the ineffable nature of God, and apophatic theology has long used the notion of “Nothing” as a pointer to the transcendent mystery of the Divine Goodness. Drawing on John Scotus Eriugena, we can understand “Nothing” not as a mere void but as the super‑essential horizon against which every relational mode is measured. In this formulation, “Nothing” becomes the background of divine self‑gift—a radiant emptiness that, paradoxically, contains all fullness.
Moreover, as Cyril O’Regan insightfully reminds us, mirroring Augustine’s transformative encounter with the gift of love, God’s “Nothing” is not an absence but the ineffable background that renders possible the revelation of each relational mode. O’Regan’s insights emphasize that it is precisely in the reception of another’s love that one is made lovable, hinting that the transformative power of divine self-disclosure comes through this apophatic openness. Thus, while each Person of the Trinity reveals a distinct aspect of the divine mystery, the totality of God’s being remains so complete that it transcends any finite conceptualization: a mystery that both humbles and elevates our understanding.
A Quiet Affirmation of the Monarchy of the Father
Within this enriched framework, the monarchy of the Father emerges as a quietly transformative truth. His unbegotten nature is not simply one attribute among many; it is the foundational relational stance from which the entire tri‑personal self‑givenness unfolds. In this vision, unity is not derived from subordinating the Son and the Spirit to a unilateral source, but is achieved by expressing the one, indivisible essence in a continuous, dynamic communion. The harmonious interplay within the Godhead is not a mechanical division of substance but an eternal orchestration of self‑gift, a symphony in which every note is essential, yet no note diminishes the fullness of the whole.
This perspective reframes traditional models that emphasize the Father as the sole source of unity, instead asserting that the unity of the Trinity is inherent in the very act of self-donation. Here, the Father’s foundational role is recast not as an originator in a linear sequence but as the living embodiment of unbounded relationality that infuses the entire Godhead with dynamic, self‑actualizing love.
The Principle of Relationality demonstrates that divine simplicity is realized as a living, unbounded communion, a dynamic self‑donation in which God’s immutable essence, that is continuously and fully expressed in relational self‑gift. By integrating the insights of classical theism, Aquinas’s systematic theology, and modern metaphysical thought, this perspective offers a unified and robust answer to how the one divine essence is fully disclosed in the relationality of the Trinity. It shows that unity in God is not achieved by dividing the essence into parts but by revealing it wholly in the perpetual act of self‑giving love. As we encounter this mystery, we are invited into a transformative communion where the ineffable fullness of God, encapsulated in both the apophatic “Nothing” and the dynamic self-disclosure, calls us to participate in a reality where God is all in all.
God bless.