Introduction My own Trinitarian theology, and the broader Catholic/Orthodox tradition in general, strives to affirm the oneness of God while preserving the real distinction of…
Restorationism Revisited: Why the Apostolic Faith Affirms the Trinity In several writings I have argued that any attempt to “restore” what some claim was the…
Today we ask 3 questions: What is the Self-Standing Givenness Ontology? How does it compare to Thomism? What are its essential terms? Enjoy! Before we…
De Deo Uno Thomas Aquinas: “God is pure act, wherein essence and existence are one.” St. Anselm: “God is that than which nothing greater can…
Reconciling Divine Simplicity and the Trinity: Intro to the Self-Standing Givenness Ontology You can also see my video on the SSGO’s first principle here: The…
for a glossary of terms used in this paper you can go here: The Relational Essence Theory: A Truly Catholic Relational Ontology and Theology…
Self-Standing Givenness An Intro Following this intro is a comprehensive list of terms I’m regularly updating to give my theology a robust basis to be…
Warning, this post uses the newest model of ChatGPT, ChatGPT 4o, the newest model published on 05/13/2024, to propose a speculative theology that subsistent relations…
Trinitarian Existential Relational Monism: A Synthesis of Perennialist and Christological Perspectives Abstract This essay explores the synthesis of Timothy Troutner’s concepts of “perennialist monism” and…